A storyboard and like a draft of what you are going to do and a organizer to help us now what we are going to do. It is something like a mind map that we plan to do.
2. How do we create a storyboard?
We create a storybard by putting a picture of each scene together with a script or the scene below.
3. When or where is storyboard useful?
Story boarding is useful when we are doing skits and big projects. It is also useful in videos.
Group answer
1. What is a storyboard?
A storyboard and like a draft of what you are going to do and a graphic organizer to sum up things. It is something like a mind map that we plan things on.
2. How do we create a storyboard?
We create a storyboard by using basic shapes, stick pictures and simple backgrounds. Draw your story in pen or pencil. You can take pictures from magazines. You can also use a computer to make your storyboard on pages and it id to write down the key points, ideas and concepts in the storyboard frame.
3. When or where in storyboarding useful?
Storyboarding is useful when we want to get a rough idea of a story and when we are doing big projects.